Monday, August 20, 2012

two weeks

Its 10AM and I'm still sitting on my porch sipping espresso in scrub bottoms and my robe. because I can.  the last day of summer session class was thursday.  lucky me, my professor had requirements that were due after the last day so I finished the class last night at midnight.

I woke this morning with the thought. two weeks.

two weeks to clear my head of the old and prepare for the new.  two weeks to force myself to rest and relax.  two weeks to study for boards.  two weeks to settle the apartment before I'm consumed with the hardest semester of classes in my life--these classes that are the foundation for me to be a health care provider.

yes. two weeks.

oh, and did I mention that my two weeks are really condensed into one week.  I leave saturday for a trip  to N.C.  My Dad has taken the entire week off work so we can hike and fish and sit outside at the pub and drink beer and talk about life.  My grandmother's white blood count remains high and her primary care provider wants her to see an oncologist.  While I'm visiting, I'll be looking into hospice options and plant a mum garden with her.  this will also be the first time since her birth that I get some quality aunty time with my newest niece, Mallory.  I'm so excited!  It also makes me a little sad as I think about how I haven't seen my other 3 nieces since Christmas--children grow and change so much in those early years.  I also look forward to some time with my mom and sister--maybe a day trip to the big farmers market and then to my sister's newly discovered Ten Thousand Villages store in Cameron Village.

Towards the end of the week, I'll be going to my dear friend's wedding in Asheville.  Along the way, I hope to be able to meet my mother in law for coffee or a meal--being a person that is deeply connected to family, marrying into such a large family that is spread out has been difficult for me because I want quality time with everyone!! quality time is what I'm running low on.  Hopefully our next season will have us closer to our ever growing families that though we are far way from, we love deeply. I'm able to handle the distance better knowing the peace that comes with having family members who know and believe the gospel.  Their lives are being made new by following God and walking by His Spirit.  There is no greater comfort to the distance than knowing this; Phil and I have this peace with not only both sides of our family, but also with the extended family in which we have have all been grafted in through Christ.  Our family that is spread out all of the world!

What it comes down to is this, wherever I am and with whoever I'm with,  I want to be fully present.  always.  I know that this trip will include time with family and friends that I haven't seen in a long time. time with some whose lives have changed drastically since the last we were together.

The other night as I was falling to sleep, I was praying and asking God to help me see souls as He sees them.  This is my prayer for every encounter--whether family member, or old friend, or patient, or the person at the check-out.  May the people around me sense the love God has for them and the love that God has given me for them.

two weeks.

God, multiply my time exponentially; may I walk in the way that you have gone out before me and prepared; may I make the most of every encounter, not forsaking the day, the conversation, and the relationships you have given me.  May we all  delight in your Word and joy in your Spirit both now and always.

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