perfect golds. falling leaves. my favorite quilt in the backyard.
I sip a latte and nibble on sea-salted-caramels while Ransom crunches leaves with those chubby little hands.
Not long after capturing the moments above do I hear Ransom start to gag...not just gagging a little, but full on choking! I flip him over my knee as he throws up his lunch (at least 3 oz of milk!) and then do a quick finger sweep to find that he'd not just been eating pieces of leaves...he'd swallowed an entire leaf!
After making sure his airway was clear, we did a quick wardrobe change; Nay, I did a quick wardrobe change (he managed to spatter every layer of clothing I was wearing. What can I say, the kid's got skills) and there he was, right back at it...trying with all his little big being to make it back to the edge of the quilt where he could eat more leaves!
How often do I do the same thing?...stuff my face with things that will choke me. I'm not talking about physically stuffing my face to the point of choking (well, mostly I'm not talking about that...)
I'm talking about force-feeding my spirit and choking my soul on things that can and will rob life. For me, the leaves come in many colors, shapes, and sizes...
"surfing the web" when my husband is sitting right next to me. We could be talking. We could be reading out loud together. We could be making out for Pete's sake!
picking a fight when I could be giving those I love the benefit of the doubt
watching an episode (or four) of junk on Hulu when I could be playing with my son without the background noise
judging others for their shortcomings instead of acknowledging and encouraging their sucesses
endless scrolling of my Facebook newsfeed to see what my "friends" are up to when I could be writing a letter to one of them in real time...
Instead, I crawl like a wild animal to the edge of my quilt and eat those leaves! Leaves that will choke me.
It scares me to think about how many times a day I race towards the edge of the quilt and eat I can't (or is it that I choose?) not to remember the choking episode just moments earlier.
My daily prayer is that I'll remember the choking and I'll put down the leaves. And if I don't have the strength in me to do that today, that God in his grace will finger sweep my throat and set me back down again in the middle of the quilt.
He is good like that. Always saving me from myself and keeping me close by to care for me when I inevitably eat leaves again.
Thanks be to God.
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