Monday, July 18, 2011

blog name change? let me explain...

keeping in line with our annual thanksgiving tradition, last year we were hanging out with our friends in nashville, tennessee , ninfa & parker, jason, and ben reese.  we were talking about blogging and how you have to blog basically everyday for you really to have a 'voice'.  I haven't written in quite some time and tonight I'm having some difficulty finding my voice again.  bare with me, friends.  

another important component of the successful blog is of course, the title.  I was a little embarrassed of my some-what cheesy blog title sam by the seaside, but I announced it aloud  in spite of myself explaining to everyone that at the time of our move to maine, the name was quite appropriate.  

well, a year later, I'm happy to say that I've evolved.  

yes, as you all can see, the new name is simple method. profound effect.  In this year of newness--new home, new friends, new career, I've been thinking a lot on the idea of simplicity and its importance in my life.  even as I sit here on my new couch beneath newly framed pictures, I'm comforted by the simplicity of our apartment and overall lifestyle right now.  

yes.  I know what you're thinking, what's simple about being full time nursing and medical students?  I think that some days too, but most days I think, wow, our lives are rather simple at the moment.  learning is our job. we're surrounded by people interested in similar things, from politics to Faith in the world today.  we have friends and family around the world who rally for our success.  they support us and love us unconditionally.  we are truly rich in this way.

the phrase simple method and profound effect came to me in an old video that I was watching in one of my nursing role classes.  a veteran nurse was explaining what it means to be a nurse.  she didn't realize how profound a statement she was making because of just how simple it was.  

we unnecessarily complicate many things...God, relationships, words, learning, etc.  If we could get past all of 'that', we would see truth I think.  

as a novice nurse, I see the profound effect of simple methods everyday.  

washing hands to prevent the spread of disease.
a gentle touch in a time of sorrow.
listening instead of speaking.
knowing rather than guessing.

and there you have it, simple method. profound effect.

the simple things for which I am profoundly thankful...

jokes with friends over facebook chat, my husband's chocolate chip cookies, an upcoming week to myself, God's continued provision, parents who would go anywhere in the world to play rook with me & Phil, snapshots of friends who vacation together because they love one another, friends who make us free lattes because they work in coffee shops, realizing grace for the umpteenth time as if it were the first time, new pregnancies, women delivered from lives of slavery, perfectly fitting scrubs, music played in stranger's houses and the high I feel when I dance unabashedly...


1 comment:

  1. Nicely done, Sam. I look forward to the continued profound effect your words have on my life. And I hope I can return the favor every once in a while. I'm thankful for you.

