Thursday, September 29, 2011

I am the ultimate procrastinator.  This is how I function.  It's why I'm often late and why on a friday night, I'm typing a care plan that is due at midnight! I sit around feeling guilty for not being more-organized, more-productive, more-ambitious, more...

well, I have to admit it, more like my husband Phil.

Example A:
I have a very specific taste in shows that I watch...they have to intellectually or emotionally engage me; they need to have a believable plot with believable characters.  I'm quite the critic.  But when I hit one of these deep procrastination pits, I'll watch ANYTHING and that, my friends... is just disgusting.  I'm talking reality TV (that we all know is not real or anything close to it), cheesy lifetime movies on hulu, and my most embarrassing guilty pleasure during procrastination--I keep up with the Kardashians!

Who is this person because it's certainly not Samantha Honea--conscious, confident, and concerned.  Nope.  this is sweat-pants-wearing, potato-chip-eating, couch-sitting Sam!

And She appears just before crunch time in response to stress.  (and she also comes out around my period)  That explains why this week, I'm EXTRA her.  

My primary diagnosis, based on my psych/mental health training so far...I BE UNHEALTHY!

So, I write this to reflect and see my self in black and white.  It's time to get the ball moving lady, I say to myself, I've got *$#& to do! right now, I'm officially late to pick up Phil from volunteering his time and talents with elderly Alzheimer's patients!  for real.  who is the guy and why is he so perfect?!

ode de Phil.  officially finished ;)

so, here's to you, sloppy-Sam.  pull it together.  make it happen!


  1. Hahaha, I love you Sam. Wish I could watch and eat garbage with you. Stress does the same thing to me! Also, have you watched "Up All Night"? Its pretty funny.

  2. Oh Sam, you know his perfection is just genetic ;) Just kidding. Love you! (Now go get to work! ~1 Chronicles 28:10/20...says the girl lying on the couch reading blogs...)

  3. I feel the same way about Barry. But once you've been married for 21 years and have 3 children under your belt you'll start to see his flaws. But that will just make you love him more.
