Sunday, November 9, 2014

Serious...but not so serious

This weekend, Phil has been on call. He worked all night friday and came home to hang out with R and I. I sat on the couch drinking my latte and eating cinnamon raisin toast and just watching the two of them play.

Phil and I have both been accused of being "serious" people...on more than one occasion.  There is nothing wrong with that in and of itself except for, when we aren't (serious, that is).

One of the most appealing aspects of my husband is when he lets his hair down and plays. I saw this side of him when we met in college, when were young and in love. The love remains, but the physical youth is fading. But he still plays.

He is quite playful anytime we get around his family for the holidays. I love it when he picks on his sisters (no offense sisters who are reading this :) ...I just think it is so endearing. He plays around with our dads and my uncles...poking fun and making jokes that grown men make.

And He plays with R. Be still my heart when he, my serious husband, plays with our son. He builds towers to be knocked over and tosses our care-free laughing bundle high...almost touching the ceiling. And then, one of their favorite things to do together is "balance the baby"! R sits in the caring and capable hands of his Dad...balancing and grinning ear to ear. Phil pretends that he is going to drop the baby...letting him "fall" close to the floor, only to be swept up to the hairy kisses of his Dad.

And then we all laugh, we serious (but not so serious) people laugh. Because we are having so much fun playing together.

Being serious people is very much apart of who we are and how we've gotten to this time and place in our lives.  But we are not who we are and have not gotten where we are by seriousness alone. We do play.

Play. We Honeas love to play.

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