Wednesday, May 18, 2011

a new beginning in the series of beginnings...

Its been a while, eh?

Indeed it has.  In just the few weeks since my last post, I have experienced a complete upheaval of all things known and entered into a world of hand sanitizer, endless 'To-Do' ('to-read', 'to-outline', 'to-study', 'to-note', 'to-etc') lists, and an aching back (from carrying around all of those lists, I'm sure)

I have met the people I will spend the majority of life with over the next three years of becoming a Nurse Partitioner.  There are 20 of us.  We will challenge one another's patience.  We will step on each others toes.  We will get each other through with uplifting words and supporting hands.

I know that in the coming weeks, months, years, I will be sharing life here.  as I have shared life here since our move to Maine.  Schedules are busy and time is short, but God provides this time and space for sharing.  I have a friend who has spent the last year in Liberia.  At the end of every post, she lists the 'graces' that the Lord has poured out on her.  

I think this is so important.  that we see and know what comes from our God.  His riches, His beauty, His provision, His grace, His love.

so I'm going to follow the example of my dear friend and sister, and here in this time and space I will share those 'gifts' in which I am abundantly thankful for (as simple or as grand as they may be)

be thankful with me, to the One True God.

misty mornings, hot coffee, pants that fit just right, tight embraces in the kitchen, long baths with Harry Potter and white wine, old friends visiting, brothers and sisters 'that get it', peace above fear, hope in place of doubt, faith that is steadfast and unwavering, budding trees, new mommies with new babies making new families, cotton against my skin, leather on my feet, fresh plowed garden dirt, and the shoots of plants that have taken root, hearing the Holy Spirit speak.


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